Sunday, November 06, 2005

Physical Re-education

Trying to understand the most recent changes. The pathology of multiple sclerosis guides my physical education. As the central nervous system falters, I lose feeling in my legs and in my torso to a lesser degree. As my legs flop, there is strain and pain. My tai chi instructs me to strengthen my core, especially the muscles around the spine, the groin, and the adductors to compensate.

The physical reeducation progresses but does not keep up with the MS progression. My tai chi is playing tortoise to the MS hare. Waiting for the hare to be distracted. The biomechanics of human movement is fascinating. Keep Moving is my mantra.

1 comment:

personallog! said...

I havent been reading you blog long and have heard of the benifits of tai chi before! I have a few questions! I would like to start 1. Is there any reading I can do to help? 2.I have balance issues's with ms so which exercises should I concentrate on?
I do get a phisio training from my do and suspect they are doing the right thing for my body but there has to be more I can do! Hope you can help!