Tuesday, October 23, 2007


It’s been a long while since I’ve had anything that I wanted to say about either MS or tai chi. I‘m now able to resume a daily practice that I feel good about since I am standing after 108 moves.

We lost our beloved pup/therapy dog/mobility assistance dog of 18 months to osteosarcoma. MS made an extra effort at contributing fatigue, hip pains, loss of sensation in the torso, and new challenges standing upright.

October the winds changed: an extraordinary stayover at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah, adopted a gentle Lab mix who we renamed Bodhi, bought a wedding dress for my youngest daughter, celebrated the many new friends from Taos, the magic of living with Linda, and the beauty of the almost 200 ornamental grasses we planted last year.

Tai chi remains an anchor in the storm of MS. At times it seems a matter of faith.

Jeep near the end

adoption day

Bodhi at home


mdmhvonpa said...

Loosing a friend like that is hard ... replacing one is a strange mix of emotions, no?

Anonymous said...

glad you are back on your feet again, but sorry to hear of your loss. but glad to hear about bodhi - good, bad, good - balance, eh?