Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Tai Chi as a Developmental Process

Advanced instructors speak of tai chi as a developmental process. The specific sequence is not identified in any detail in the tai chi literature that I've read.

As my practice evolves, I retrospectively become aware of short developmental sequences. For example, over the past year, the following sequence took place:

-massage and Feldenkreis work on hyper-stiff ankles
-novel sensations of movement in the ankle joints
-increased ankle flexion
-clearer heelstrike when walking and doing tai chi
-awareness of connection between ankle flexion and sacrum action
-movement-control over sacrum
-ability to shift weight in foot through the ankle
-hammer foot down initiated by sacrum action
-feeling of foot rooting

Of course each of these elements is a matter of degree, and I expect that each will become clearer as my practice advances.

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