Saturday, January 20, 2007

My reiki

I've been practicing reiki for 8 years. I use reiki to fall asleep, speed healing, relax, and share healing energy with others. If I had young children, I would have them reiki attuned by three.

Reiki also seems to work at a subtler and deeper level. I only suspect that reiki may have been in play when I look back at positive changes in my life which seem to come out of nowhere. It remains a mystery of how it works and what it does. For that reason, I've tried to relate reiki to specifics in my life.

Placing my hands over heart brings sleep with minutes if not seconds, healing broken ribs -- the usual two weeks of pain medication was cut to 3 days, speeding up recovery from a hernia operation -- pain-free after three days and able to return to normal activity, eliminating spasms by placing my hands over affected area, calming myself when agitated, and working with others who request healing energy.


mdmhvonpa said...

Hmmm.... perhaps I should really start to consider this. Given my dislocated knee, bruised ribs, tennis elbow, broken toe, twisted ankle, sprained big toe and just plain disagreeable shoulder. To much chronic 'ouch' for a man of 39.

Mathieu said...

:) perhaps you should.
In my mind, everyone should. But I'm sold to idea anyways.

sorry for interfering :D