Jeep, an 8 week old puppy mix, has been added to our household. He was the largest pup by a third in a litter sired by a 65 lb.poodle. The dam, a Golden Retriever, weighs in at 85 lbs. He will have a job -- balance assistance and therapy work.
You are brave to take on a dog - tho I guess with his having a job, it'll be different. We got a dog several years ago, just a pet, and I discovered that, unlike when I was a boy, I'm not a dog person.
Multiple sclerosis paraplegic tai chi journal of 6 word entries
Resuming a blog of several years as a personal journal of six word entries inspired by the challenge made to Ernest Hemingway in the 1920s. His story in six words: "For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn."
Retired to Taos in 2000 accompanied by multiple sclerosis.2009 became a paraplegic after a spinal cord injury. Gratefully married to Linda Harrison Gottlieb, a collage and assemblage artist. Image of recent work: Field Guide to Rotifers
You are brave to take on a dog - tho I guess with his having a job, it'll be different. We got a dog several years ago, just a pet, and I discovered that, unlike when I was a boy, I'm not a dog person.
I was recently diagnosed with RRMS and I have been looking into tai chi. I just wanted to let you know that you are an inspiration.
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