Thursday, June 08, 2006

Cramping My Style

Unable to do much tai chi or reconditioning with a fractured metatarsal. Grateful that we have reiki to speed the healing. Linda has been giving me spot reiki several times a day. I used intensive self-reiki to speed healing when I broke my ribs and had hernia operations. In those instances, I was pain-free in 48 hours and resumed ordinary activity.

I can't help but believe that reiki is a valuable adjunct to anyone with MS. Unlike tai chi which requires a sustained practice, reiki and self-reiki are immediately accessible.


Jaime said...

I am sorry to hear about your fall! I have just come across your blog and would like to blogroll you if you don't mind. I always like to ask permission first. You can reach me at my blog or by email. I am very impressed with the information you provide on your site.

I am a big believer that diet and exercise are key components in the fight against MS and it sounds as if you have found something that works well! I look forward to reading more. I hope that you recover soon. Please take care of yourself.


Stephen said...

i've had similar falls - tripping over a pattern in the carpet, etc. - but never injured myself - yet. glad you have a reiki-er right there to keep the chi moving.