Monday, July 31, 2006

Tai chi as ballast

Thank you to all who were concerned about the dry spell in the blog. Your kind thoughts were warmly welcomed.

Still in the middle of very difficult patch, a cluster of changes, none of which are pleasant think about. Most of it is probably MS related but one can rarely be certain.

However, out of the dark gray, there is a flicker. Tai chi unpracticed seems to operate on is own momenum rooted in my years of daily practice. Internal chi-type changes are continuing to occur -- micro but noticeable. I'm hesitant to draw any conclusions.

A couple examples. Some days my internal energy, not to be confused with the energy we expend in ordinary life activities, is so strong as to be discomforting. The movements around the spine continue to progress with only a few minutes a day of fundamental tai chi movements.

MS puts enormous strain on the closest loved ones. Anything I can do--medical, behavior change, attitude adjustment--is worth doing. A centering exists even in the fog of MS--years of tai chi practice are my ballast.


Miss Chris said...

I'm so glad you're back. You sound like you are feeling better, at least mentally. As far as I'm concerned, if I feel mentally okay, I can handle more of the pain.

Jaime said...

It is good to hear from you. MS can always be a challenge, but I think that having a positive mental attitude can make a world of difference. I am glad to hear that you are finding ways to get back to tai chi, even if they are just for a few moments. It is wonderful that you are getting back to something that helps you and that you love.

Please take care of yourself.


Stephen said...

i truly honor your ability to keep up your practice. i get so easily distracted and impatient, and lose the thread, and have not found my way with adapting what i remember about a several-years-ago tai chi class to my new bodily limitations. still, i am inspired....